Hand Wash Station

Personal hygiene and illness prevention need handwashing. The COVID-19 pandemic has made handwashing more important. Hand wash facilities help travelers stay clean.

Why is Handwashing Important

Handwashing prevents bacteria and viruses. Handwashing removes dirt, bacteria, and viruses. This reduces the danger of illness and transferring germs. Before and after cooking, using the restroom, coughing, sneezing, and being around a sick person, wash your hands.

Handwash Station Types

Each hand wash station type serves a different purpose. Common handwash stations include:

  • Portable hand wash stations: Lightweight and portable. Outdoor events, building sites, and other places without running water use them. Portable hand wash stations have soap, towel, and water tanks.
  • Foot-operated hand wash stations are great for hospitals and food processing companies because they are touchless. They have soap and towel dispensers and a foot pedal.
  • Wall-mounted hand wash stations are perfect for interior venues including workplaces, schools, and public toilets. Soap, towel, and faucet are included.

Hand Wash Station Rental Advantages

  • Hygiene: Hand wash stations provide soap and water to reduce germs and viruses.
  • Hand wash stations are easy to use and can be put indoors or outdoors.
  • Renting a handwash station is cheaper than building one.
  • Compliance: Some states require handwash stations at construction sites.

Handwash Station Rental Benefits

  • Flexibility: Hand wash stations come in many sizes. Renting a hand wash station lets you choose the size and kind.
  • Maintenance: The provider maintains and repairs rented hand wash stations. This reduces maintenance and repair concerns.
  • Delivery and Pickup: The provider delivers and picks up the hand wash station. This eliminates transporting the hand wash station.

Handwash Station Characteristics and Dimensions

  • Handwashing requires a soap dispenser.
  • Portable hand wash stations have a 20-gallon water tank.
  • Towel Dispenser: Hand wash stations need a towel dispenser to dry hands.
  • Foot Pedal: Foot-operated hand wash stations have a foot pedal for hands-free operation.
  • Faucet: Wall-mounted handwashing stations have faucets.

Type and function determine hand wash station size. Portable hand wash stations are 40–60 inches long, 20–24 inches wide, and 58–62 inches tall. Wall-mounted hand wash stations are 16–20 inches long, 14–16 inches wide, and 16–20 inches tall.

Why You Might Want to Rent a Hand Wash Station

You might want to rent a hand washing station if:

  • You are in charge of a construction site. If you are in charge of a construction site, you should think about renting a hand wash station to follow OSHA rules, which say that construction sites must have places to wash hands.
  • You run a food service business. If you run a food services business, like a restaurant or a catering service, you should think about renting a hand wash station to stay in compliance with health codes, which say that there must be a place to wash hands.

Hand Wash Station Rentals

Handwash station rentals are simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Assess your needs: Based on the purpose and number of users, choose a hand wash station type and size.
  2. Find local hand wash station providers and compare costs and features
  3. Confirm delivery and pickup: Confirm the provider’s delivery and pickup times.
  4. Set up the hand wash station: Place it where you like.
  5. Give out soap and towels for washing your hands.


Washing your hands is an important part of keeping yourself clean and keeping diseases from spreading. Hand wash stations make it easy to get to a place where you can wash your hands, whether you’re inside or outside.

There are different kinds of hand wash stations, such as portable hand wash stations, hand wash stations that you move with your feet, and hand wash stations that are mounted on the wall. Renting a hand wash station has a number of benefits, such as being cheaper, more convenient, and in line with the law.

If you want to rent a hand wash station, you should figure out what you need, look into providers, get a quote, confirm delivery and pickup, set up the hand wash station, and have soap and towels for washing your hands.